I am constantly amazed at the little girl my precious Baby-C has become. It has been one year and two weeks since she was born, and while we were driving in the car this morning I started reminiscing. Maybe this was triggered by her peek-a-boo playing at the stop light with the brightly flowered sun-hat that has become a fixture upon her head lately, or the banana she scarfed down in five seconds flat as she sat at the breakfast table and the absolute joy she gets from tossing unwanted cheerios over to the dogs. I'm not sure.
Changes I've noticed in my life, you ask? Well I no longer worry about spit up stains on my blouse as I rush into my office each morning, or the tell tale damp circles appearing if a meeting runs over, also some mornings I find myself having to go in and wake Baby-C in the morning, instead of depending on her to be my alarm clock.
I do realize I have done noting more than touch the tip of the ice-berg, one year of change is nothing compared to what lies ahead and oh so much more has changed in the last year, but I think it would take all day to cover all of that!
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